Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cats and Cat Boxes

The one thing I notice when I go to cat care forums and that's how many times should I change my cat box. It all depends on how many cats you have and what kind of cat litter you use. . If you have two cats, you will want to change the cat box at least every other day. If you have one cat I would suggest to change the cat box two times a week.

What type of cat litter should I use? Well, 90% of purchased in the USA are clay based litter. There are two types of clay based cat litter: a fine-textured clumping clay litter and a coarser non-clumping clay litter. But clay based isn't the only kind of cat litter out there. You have littler that's newspaper, wood chips, wheat, corn and soy beans to name a few. Here is a few question to ask yourself when you're looking for cat litter.
  • Does is clump well? Can you scoopy it?
  • How absorbent is the litter?
  • Is it easy to keep clean in the litter box?
  • Does it stick to the bottom of the litter box?
  • Is it dusty?
  • Biodegradable?
  • Is it digestible and non toxic if it's eaten?
  • How much it cost?
  • Oder control?
Tips on choosing cat litter for general use:
  • Easy to clean
  • Scoopable
  • Not to dusty
  • Doesnt track
  • Good oder control
  • Affordible
Another problem I notice at forums is that cat's aren't the litter box and they are using the bathroom in a certain spot or on the couch. Well I'm going to touch on that subject in my next post to this cat care blog. For now you can read about how to stop the cat urine odor in 18 Ways To Stop Cat Urine Oder.


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