Monday, July 23, 2007

Complete Cat Training

If you own a cat, you know how hard it is to stop a cat from peeing or using the restroom on you floor. Cats seem to do things they know is bad but they don't care. They jump on things they shouldn't, sleep where they shouldn't, that even are tempted to go outside when the door is opened. Well, if you want to learn about training your cat without a hassle, check out Complete Cat training. This ebook will teach ways to train your cat without all the hassle.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Cat Peeing places they shouldn't?

I looked over one day and notice that my cat was by the restroom door and started to pee there. I told her no and she stopped, sniffed and walked away. I cleaned up the spot with a carpet cleaner. To cut a long story short, I did a search and found a nice ebook that helped me out. The ebook is Complete Cat Training. I found Complete Cat Training to be a great book to learn about cat care and cat training. My cat isn't peeing by the restroom door any more. That's a great thing for me. Good luck on you cat care and training.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Feeding The Cat

A lot of time people get cats and don't know what to feed the cat. Should we feed the cat dry food or soft food? Well it all depends on the cat. If it's a kitten, you're going to feed the kitten soft kitten food. If it's a cat, you're going to feed the cat dry food unless noted by your vet not to do so.

There are many kinds of cat food to choice from. I will suggest you get the cat food that you can afford. It's beeter to buy cheap cat food than no cat food at all.

If you want to learn more about cat care please visit Complete Cat Care for Everybody!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Cats and Cat Boxes

The one thing I notice when I go to cat care forums and that's how many times should I change my cat box. It all depends on how many cats you have and what kind of cat litter you use. . If you have two cats, you will want to change the cat box at least every other day. If you have one cat I would suggest to change the cat box two times a week.

What type of cat litter should I use? Well, 90% of purchased in the USA are clay based litter. There are two types of clay based cat litter: a fine-textured clumping clay litter and a coarser non-clumping clay litter. But clay based isn't the only kind of cat litter out there. You have littler that's newspaper, wood chips, wheat, corn and soy beans to name a few. Here is a few question to ask yourself when you're looking for cat litter.
  • Does is clump well? Can you scoopy it?
  • How absorbent is the litter?
  • Is it easy to keep clean in the litter box?
  • Does it stick to the bottom of the litter box?
  • Is it dusty?
  • Biodegradable?
  • Is it digestible and non toxic if it's eaten?
  • How much it cost?
  • Oder control?
Tips on choosing cat litter for general use:
  • Easy to clean
  • Scoopable
  • Not to dusty
  • Doesnt track
  • Good oder control
  • Affordible
Another problem I notice at forums is that cat's aren't the litter box and they are using the bathroom in a certain spot or on the couch. Well I'm going to touch on that subject in my next post to this cat care blog. For now you can read about how to stop the cat urine odor in 18 Ways To Stop Cat Urine Oder.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Caring For A Cat

Having a cat can be fun. Cat care can be a little bit of work, not much though. Cats are independent. Here are a few tips on cat care that will help insure your cat to be as healthy as they can be.

  • The first tip is that you should get you cat or kitten to the vet as soon as you get them. The vet can check the cat over and make sure there is nothing wrong with the cat. In addition, your cat will get the shots they need
  • Make sure you have your cat spayed or neutered. Having your cat spayed or neutered will do two things. It will help your cat live longer and control the cat population.
  • Use a spray bottle when your cat is being bad. NEVER hit your cat if they are bad. Spray the cat or kitten with water and say “bad” or “no.” Make sure you do not spray them too much also. Spraying them too much can cause a cat to be aggressive to you.
  • Get a cat box and kitty litter. (I’ll be posting a topic on this a few days)
  • This really is not a tip but it will toss it in here as one. Give the cat or kitten love. The more love you give the cat or kitten, the more you will receive back from the cat or kitten.
  • If the cat is going to be an indoor cat, have them de-clawed. Having the cat de-clawed saves, you time spraying the cat when they claw on you furniture and other stuff in your home.
These are just some tips to get you started with you new cat or kitten. Give the cat or kitten a cute name and have fun with him/her.

If you want to learn more about cat care please visit Complete Cat Care for Everybody!